Hoist Specification Guide - Electrolift
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Electrolift Hoist Specification Guide

Use the Hoist Specification Guide to help Electrolift provide the most suitable lifting equipment for your application. It is important to convey your expectations of how the lifting system must operate. Electrolift will combine your knowledge of your own requirements with decades of our practiced experience to provide you the best hoist solution.

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2. Basic Hoist Specifications: Define the following criteria.
  1. Lift Required
  2. Lift Speed (feet per minute) Specify one of the following:
    • Single Speed
    • Two Speed
    • Variable Speed
  3. Maximum Capacity of Hoist
  4. What the hoist will be lifting
  5. Voltage required or pneumatic service
  6. For Twin Hook Configuration:
    • Hook Centers
  7. For Dual Rail Configuration:
    • Rail Centers
  8. For Monorail or Dual Rail configurations:
    • Are Drive Trolleys required
    • Traversing Speed of Drive Trolley (feet per minute) Specify one of the following:
    • Single Speed
    • Two Speed
    • Variable Speed
    • Soft Start Option (Tunable electronic device that allows a controlled ramp-up speed to prevent swaying of the load.)
    • What is the Track Size
    • Is there a Track Radius?
      • Specify one of the following:
        • The track curves in one direction
        • The track has multiple curves in more than one direction
3. Service Duty: Calculate the frequency of use.
  1. Lifts per hour at a given load
  2. Hours used each day
  3. Number of Days per week
4. Environment: Describe the conditions under which the hoist will operate.
  1. Ambient Operating Temperature.
  2. Temperature Range
    • Variations in ambient operating temperature.
  3. For Indoors
    • Standard industrial/commercial environment, protected against dust and air-born contamination.
    • Water-resistant where an occasional wash down occurs.
    • Water-resistant where corrosive materials are present.
  4. For Outdoors:
    • Partially protected by a structureFully exposed to elements
  5. For Hazardous Environments:
    • Specify Class, Division, Group Hazardous Environment Requirements
    • Combustible gasses and vapors
      • Specify one of the following:
        • Gases and vapors always present (Class I, Division 1)
        • Gases and vapors not normally present (Class I, Division 2)
    • Combustible dusts
      • Specify one of the following:
        • Combustible dusts always present (Class II, Division 1)
        • Combustible dusts not normally present (Class II, Division 1)
5. Standard Options: The following are readily available.
  1. Geared Limit Switch (secondary position switches)
    • Two switch elements (maximum full up and down position switches)
    • Four switch elements (maximum full up and down positions + 2 intermediate positions)
  2. Limit Switch
    • Standard Paddle Limit Switch is included with all hoists
    • Power Paddle Limit Switch (maximum up switch that directly cuts power to hoist)
  3. Rope Guide Drum
  4. Overload Switches
    • Horizontal mounting
    • Vertical mounting
  5. Drip Pans/Heat Shields
    • Under entire hoist
    • Under gear reducer
    • For hook blocks
  6. Steel Drums and/or Sheaves
  7. Slack Cable Limit Switch
  8. For Monorail or Dual Rail Configurations:
  9. Collector Studs for Electrification
6. Controls Options: Consider the following:
  1. In general
    • Specify one of the following:
      • No controls at all
      • No controls with Junction Box for motor, brake, and switch terminations
      • Standard duty controls
      • Super heavy-duty controls, NEMA contactors
  2. Motor Protection:
    • Standard: Motor mounted thermal switches (Standard on all motors stocked at Electrolift. Senses motor temperature and disables up motion if motor overheats.)
    • Option: Thermal overload relays (Protects motor from higher than normal operating current. Disables up motion.)
    • Option: Motor Fuses
  3. Push Button Station:
    • Is Push button station required with hoist
    • Cord length from Push Button Station to control box
  4. Remote location Control Boxes
  5. Radio Controls
    • Wireless control of the hoist, trolley, and/or crane
    • Specify motion required
7. Special considerations:
  1. Special control functions
  2. Quick-change wire rope drum connection
    • Available on Steel Drums
  3. Paint type/color
    • Standard
    • Epoxy
  4. End Approach
  5. Headroom
  6. Dimensional restrictions and or requirements
    • Interferences with Structures or Equipment
  7. Optional load block connections
    • Oversized Hooks, Clevises, Eye Bolts, Bronze or Stainless Steel Hooks

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