Heavy Duty Paper Mill Application

- True vertical lift
- Enclosed hook block
- Slack cable detection
- Quick disconnect wire rope dead-ending

A paper manufacturer approached Electrolift with an application in their mill. They needed a hoist that would lower a clamshell grapple into a tank of waste material generated from the paper making process. This waste was made up of shredded paper, pulp, and water. The application required true vertical lift and slack cable detection. These features are usually standard options, but in this application, it was more complex. The hook block submerges into the tank while lifting and lowering the clamshell. A standard hook block contains running sheaves with bearings, and will not function after continuous exposure to this material. An enclosed hook block was designed with one part double reeving. The hook block sheave was now protected from the harmful effects of the waste. A slack cable detection system was designed using a roller that contacted the wire rope. When the wire rope went slack, the roller moved forward and activated a switch.
This heavy-duty application also required that downtime be kept to a minimum. The drum was designed with quick disconnect dead endings to facilitate changing the wire rope.