Low Headroom Dual Rail Application - Electrolift

Low Headroom Dual Rail Application

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Low Headroom Dual Rail Application


  • Dual Rail Twin hook
  • Low Headroom
  • Extreme dimensional limitations

There were many design constraints on this system: headroom requirement, maximum allowable height above the tread of the track, and end approach limitations. The hoist met all dimensional restraints of the non-Electrolift hoist it replaced while improving performance and increasing the life of all wear items. The ‘whip’ hoist design features one centrally located drum which allows for smaller hook centers, smaller wire rope fleet angles, and reduced headroom while still allowing excellent sheave and wire rope life.

The hook had to be located only 2″ above the tread of the rail while the entire hoist could not extend 12″ above the tread. The end approach was also an issue, so the overall width had to be less than 30″.

Low Headroom Dual Rail Application Diagram

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